How to comment and mention other people in a Room
Comments and mentions allow you to participate in conversation, give feedback, and ask questions about the videos and other shared resources in a Room. Use comments to collaborate with other contributors in a Room and keep discussion moving forward.
Comment on a video
Use the Comments section under a video to ask questions and participate in conversation with other contributors.
Your comments are tagged with the current time in the video, so other people know what moment during playback your comment refers to. For example, Isaac says "wow, great video!" at 01:10 in the video.
- Sign in to a Room
- Write a message in the text field under a video
- Click on Comment to finish and post your message
Mention another contributor in a comment
Mentions allow you to direct your message at a specific contributor in the Room by including "@[person's name]" in the comment. When you mention another contributor in the Room, they'll get a notification about your comment (learn more about Rooms notifications).
- Type "@" in the comment field under a video
- Select from the list of contributors in the Room to mention
- Only people who belong to the Room as a contributor can be @mentioned
- Finish writing your message, then click on Comment to post
Comment notifications
When you comment on a video, a notification is sent to the Room Owner and any other participants in the thread.
If you @mention someone in your comment, they'll receive a notification too (dependent upon their user's notification preferences).
You will also receive a notification when other contributors @mention you or add a comment in the same thread. Learn more about notifications in Rooms.
Delete a comment
Contributors can delete any comment they've previously made on a video. Deleting a comment is permanent and cannot be reversed.
- Select the menu (3 dots) next to a comment you made
- Click on Delete, then select Delete again to confirm
Frequently asked questions
Why can't I delete a comment on my video?
You can only delete your own comments on a video. If the comment belongs to another user, you cannot edit or delete it.
Why can't I find the user I want to mention (@) in the list?
When using @ to mention someone in a comment, the list contains users that have joined the Room.
Users that have not joined the Room cannot be mentioned. For example, users who have not accepted an invitation or other users in the same Vidyard account.