Vidyard player embed npm package
Why use Vidyard's video embed library?
Vidyard designed its video embed code so that anyone can quickly and easily add video to a website or application without any complicated web development work or expert knowledge.
From your video library, it's a simple set of actions to copy the embed code for a video and add it to source code of web project. Through the embed code, Vidyard takes care of the behind-the-scenes magic to render a player and serve the video files via our CDN.
For most users, the standard copy-and-paste method works great. But for our more technical users, adding stand-alone embed scripts can be cumbersome, especially with so little control over how the player executes Javascript within their application.
That's why we've published an npm package to allow you to bundle the functionality of the video embed script into your web applications.
The npm package provides greater control over how the Vidyard video loads and executes javascript, and also allows you to evaluate how updates to the video player interact with your application prior to implementation.
Get the npm package
Visit our package listing on npm to get started.