Why can't I find the Vidyard extension in my browser toolbar?
Trouble finding the Vidyard extension on your browser?
If you've already installed the Vidyard browser extension but cannot find it, ensure that you've selected or "pinned" the extension to your toolbar. You can do this from the extensions menu in your browser.
Pin the extension to your browser's toolbar
Both Chrome and Microsoft Edge allow you to select or "pin" extensions to your toolbar. This allows you to quickly access extensions that you use frequently and hide others that do not always use.
Select a tab to learn more:
- Select the Extensions menu (puzzle piece icon)
- Click on the pin icon to the right of the Vidyard extension
- If you don't see Vidyard in the toolbar, open the settings menu (3 dots ...) to access your extensions
- Right click on the Vidyard extension icon, then select Move to toolbar