How to change your notification preferences
Notifications allow you to stay up-to-date on important activities in your Vidyard account. Visit your user profile in Vidyard to manage your notification preferences.
You can control the type of notifications you receive, like new video views, as well as how you get notified (in-product notifications, emails, mobile, or all three).
Change your user's notification preferences
Changes that you make to notification preferences in your user profile apply globally to your account. Your preferences only affect you as a user.
- Sign in to your Vidyard account
- Select My Profile from the main menu, then click on the Notifications tab
- Choose which notifications you would like to receive
- Use the ON/OFF toggle to enable or disable all notifications
- Use the checkboxes to choose your preferred notifications
How you get notified (in-product, email, and mobile)
For some types of notifications, you can control how you get notified, whether that's in-product, via email, or on the mobile app.
In-product applies to messages you receive in your notification feeds (on, in the browser extension, and in the desktop app)
Email applies to notifications sent to your email address
Mobile applies to notifications sent via your Vidyard mobile app
Types of notifications
Here's a list of the different types of notifications that you can manage in your user profile:
Notification Category | Notification Type | Description |
Videos | Views | Get notified when someone watches your video (or a video you're subscribed to) |
Replies | Get notified when someone leaves a reply on your video's sharing page | |
Video Creation (applies to Plus and Business accounts) |
Get notified when anyone uploads a new video to any shared folder you have access to | |
AI Videos and Avatars | Avatars |
Get notified when:
AI Videos |
Get notified when:
Rooms |
Visits (applies to Room Owners only) |
Receive a notification when anyone visits:
Comment/Tags |
For Room contributors - Receive a notification when anyone:
For Room Owners - All of the above, plus a notification when anyone:
New Content Added | Get notified when new videos are added to any Room you're a part of | |
Prospector |
Daily Digest |
Get an email notification each day that includes:
Templates (applies to Workspaces and Business accounts) |
Get an email notification when anyone shares a template with you. *For admins: you will also receive an email when a template is shared between any users in the account. |
Team Request (applies to individual Free accounts and Business accounts)
Business accounts | Receive an email notification when a Vidyard Free user requests to join your account as a team member |
Free users | Receive an email when your request to join your company's Business account has been approved or denied by an administrator |
Subscribe to view notifications for a specific video
You are automatically subscribed to notifications for videos that you create or upload to Vidyard. When you use Vidyard as a team (in a Workspace or Business account), you can choose to subscribe to notifications for videos created by other people.
The types of notifications that you receive are based on on the preferences set in your user profile (in-product, email, mobile, or all three).
If you no longer want to receive notifications for a specific video, you can turn off notifications.
- Select a video from your library to open its edit page
- Click the notifications icon , then select turn off/on all notifications for this video
- You can also select Notification Preferences to edit your user's account-wide preferences
- Open the browser extension or desktop app
- Select the library icon
- Open the menu (3 dots) next to a video, then select Edit Video
- Click on the notifications icon on the video's edit page, and select turn off/on all notifications for this video