About Vidyard's Legacy Plans

Brendan O'Driscoll

Vidyard introduced a new pricing model on July 6th, 2022. Our new plans are designed to better align with the needs of teams at varying stages of using video for business. They also offer the flexibility to add features and increase allotments as needed. You can find our new pricing–along with new plan names–on Vidyard’s pricing page.

If you purchased Vidyard for your team(s) prior to July 6, 2022, you’re using one of our legacy plans.

Legacy plans continue to have all the same features and capabilities, but are packaged differently. Legacy plans also have different names.

Changes to plan names

With Vidyard’s new pricing model comes changes to the names of our business-tier plans.

Going forward, you’ll see the new plan names on Vidyard’s website, our knowledge base documentation, as well as other supporting resources and materials.

  • Legacy plan names: Teams, Business, and Enterprise
  • New plan names: Essentials, Growth, and Enterprise (collectively referred to as “Business plans”).
Note: Vidyard Free and Vidyard Pro remain unchanged and are not affected by the new pricing model.

Available features on legacy plans

Below you'll find a list of features included with each legacy plan. Use this table to reference whether a feature is available to users in your account.

Feature Teams Business Enterprise
Insights Dashboard
Team Performance Dashboard
Contact Center
Custom Branded Sharing Pages
Quick Actions
SEO Metatags
Manual Captions
Automated Captions  
Uploader Widget  
Scheduled video release  
Video expiry  
Custom Actions  
Custom User Permissions  
MAP/CRM Integration(s)  
SSO for video playback    
Video Access Requests    
IP Restrictions    
API Access    
Custom Attributes    

Paid add-ons for legacy plans

In addition to the features included in each legacy plan, there are a number of features that can be applied as add-ons. Some add-ons are only applicable to certain plans.

If you are unsure whether you purchased any of these add-ons, review your contract with Vidyard for details. You can also contact our Customer Success Team to confirm.

Add-on Teams Business Enterprise
Additional Users
Additional Teams
Additional Video Embeds
Additional Video Hubs
Additional MAP/CRM integrations
Premium Features Bundle: Automated Captions, Custom Actions, Reports N/A N/A
SSO User Management
API & Webhooks N/A N/A
Live stream N/A N/A
Improved China Playback N/A N/A

Embed limits on legacy plans

Each legacy plan includes a set embed limit. An embed limit refers to the number of videos in your account that are allowed to be embedded on external web pages.

When the embed setting for a video is enabled, your usage increases by 1 out of the total embed limit (for example 1/50 embeds).

With the embed setting enabled, you can embed the video as many times, in as many locations as you like.

Legacy Plan # of embeddable videos (embed limit)
Teams 50
Business 100
Enterprise Custom
Note: in some cases, the embed limit for your account may differ from the initial allotment

How do I check my current embed limit?

Any user that belongs to a team with the View Billing and Usage Page permission can check your current embed limit.

  1. Sign in to your Vidyard account
  2. Select Admin > Billing from the main menu
  3. Look under the Plan and Usage section to see your current usage

Opening the Billing page in Vidyard to view your current embed limit and usage

How do I know which legacy plan I am using?

You can refer to your original contract with Vidyard to identify which plan your account is using. If you are still unsure, contact our Customer Success Team to confirm.

Can I make changes to my legacy plan?

Yes, you can make changes to your existing legacy plan. Contact our Customer Success Team to talk about your user and embed allotments or what features your plan includes.

Need support

Submit a ticket or start a chat. We'll provide a self-serve resource or connect you with our support team, available 24x5.

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